OT – MC ~ 2019

Merry Christmas Contest 2019

Hello OT-members and friends !

The Oscar-Tango-group has the pleasure to invite you to enter the OT World X-mas Contest.

last update on :           01-09-2019
Categories are :          OT-members and non-OT-members.
Exchange :                 report + progressive number (starting with 001) === like : 5/9 001 … ===
valid frequencys :        only on 11m-Band from 26.200 MHz to 27.850 MHz AM/FM/SSB 

                                    !!!! 26.285 and 27.555 only for calling not for QSO`s valid !!!!
                                    !!!! 27.500 and 27.700 only for digital  not for QSO`s valid !!!!

Points give it for : 

         ======= only for xxxOT/MC station =======

1   point  per contact with non – OT stations     === like : 26SD888 ===
5   points per contact with OT stations             === like : 13OT001 ===
10 points per contact with xxxOT/MCxxx           === like : 13OT/MC1 ===

   ======= for all participators contest station =======

1   points per contact with OT stations             === like : 13OT001 ===
10 points per contact with xxxOT/MCxxx           === like : 13OT/MC1 ===

Multipliers :          one multiplier by Contact with new DXCC ( by AT division list )

Score :                 total points * multipliers Final score

!! The QSO numbering should be start to 001 on first day and end with xxx on last day !!
!! The same station can be contacted during only once per log !! No dubble QSO`s valid !!

active contesttime :
Start : 29.11.2019 – 00:01 UTC
End   : 31.12.2019 – 23:59 UTC

active Stationlist :

OT memberOP namecontest – QRZ on airactivelog RX
 13 OT 001 Mario 13 OT / MC1 yes yes
 13 OT 012 Thomas 13 OT / MC2 yes yes
 13 OT 033 Frank 13 OT / MC3 yes yes
 13 OT 077 Roger 13 OT / MC4 yes yes
 13 OT 028 Klaus 13 OT / MC5 yes yes
 13 OT 144 Thomas 13 OT / MC6 wait yes
 13 OT 169 Michael 13 OT / MC7 yes yes
 16 OT 010 Michel 16 OT / MC yes yes
 30/13 OT 077 Roger 30 OT / MC yes yes

and you member,  you need to RX a contestcall write a e-mail 


Copy of the logsheet should be sent to:

OT-HQ ; Po Box: 100 ; D-15562-Ruedersdorf ; Germany

or via Internet to:e-mail

! before end of 31.01.2020 !!! all after not valid for the contest-winner-list !

Good Luck to all hunters and hope to see you soon all on the air !

vy 73`s de OT-HQ