QSL  contribution rules

QSM by :       13 OT 001   

All OT-member always free from all contribution *

all  Oscar-Tango  SES ( specialy event station ) are without of contribution or valutage  contribution !!!

all other
( IOTA; MOTA; COTA; WFF; IWI; xxxOT/0, xxxOT/DX  )
normal contribution.

PSE send best  2.-€  or  2.-$US or  2 IRC
( ! in and outside of EU same price ! )

for german station send a SES with stamp 0,80€ !
Innerhalb Deutschland bitte Briefumschlag mit Marke 0,80€ !

! SAE ( self adress envelope ) or label sticker is everytime vy welcome !    TNX

PSE remember, I can send up 3 to 4 QSL in one enveope
( max 20g )  for the same price, so send not for every QSO a QSL, wait a bit and send all in one letter !!
If you wrk more, ask me by e-mail befor you send, most I need only a smal log-letter. 

TNX guy`s for understand, we are no $-hunter-group !! 

!!!!!!   PLEASE   NO   QRZ   ON   ADDRESS  ENVELOPE   !!!!!!

* only when your in the log with OT-call

QSL via : OT-HQ

Pio Box : 100
CP   : D – 15562
City : Ruedersdorf – Germany – EU