OSCAR TANGO is offering an award to all operators from all groups. Try to work as many counties of Brandenburg as possible. You will need 10 or more counties of Brandenburg in your log to obtain the OSCAR TANGO Brandenburg award/ diploma.SEITENUMBRUCH

QRZ | County | Log |
13OT/BAR | Barnim | |
13OT/BRB | Brandenburg a.d. Havel | |
13OT/CB | Cottbus | |
13OT/EE | Elbe-Elster | |
13OT/FF | Frankfurt | |
13OT/HVL | Havelland | |
13OT/LDS | Dahme-Spreewald | |
13OT/LOS | Oder-Spree | |
13OT/MOL | Maerkisch Oderland | |
13OT/OHV | Oberhavel | |
13OT/OPR | Ostprignitz-Ruppin | |
13OT/OSL | Oberspreewald-Lausitz | |
13OT/P | Potsdam | |
13OT/PM | Potsdam-Mittelmark | |
13OT/PR | Prignitz | |
13OT/SPN | Spree-Neisse | |
13OT/TF | Teltow-Flaeming | |
13OT/UM | Uckermark | |